Saturday, May 25, 2013

Here's what I ate today: May 25

  • Scrambled eggs and Swiss cheese on whole grain toast
  • Black coffee
  • Quinoa salad
  • Ribeye steak, roasted broccoli, mac n'cheese
  • Fresh strawberries and ice cream.
Given that I'm trying to go "Vegan Before 6"—which allows some latitude for dinner—this doesn't look like a bad day. I don't need to do ice cream every night, clearly. And I'd like to get to vegan at breakfast soon; something I can make that satisfies my salty craving. Oatmeal doesn't quite do that.

EXERCISE: I spent a chunk of my evening playing "Real Boxing" on my iPad. It captures your motions, like Wii or Kinect, though probably not quite as efficiently. I went 1-4 in my evening boxing career. But I worked up a hell of a sweat doing it. We'll see how my arms feel Sunday to see if this can become an everyday thing right away.

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