Monday, November 15, 2010

The Perpetual E-Reader Revolution

New York Times: "This could be the holiday season that American shoppers and e-readers are properly introduced." Wait. Wasn't everybody writing that last Christmas? (Yes.) How many Christmases in a row are we going to hear that e-readers are really arriving in the American marketplace this year? Haven't they gotten their foothold by now? I think so. Maybe it's time for a new narrative.*

*Incidentally, really enjoying my iPad as an e-reader. I can do Kindle and Nook and Stanza and iBooks on it. Don't know why anybody would bother with a single-bookstore machine like Kindle at this point.


KhabaLox said...

In related news, ToyRUs tells me that they have the "ULTIMATE Christmas Train Set" for $99. Surely I will never have to buy another Christmas train set again, ever. Right?

leslie said...

Last week I was wondering about the invention of movable type, and wondering how much time Gutenberg spent printing books that heralded the new age of movable type.

Stubborn desperation

Oh man, this describes my post-2008 journalism career: If I have stubbornly proceeded in the face of discouragement, that is not from confid...