Tuesday, September 8, 2020

You should read the new Adam Serwer piece in The Atlantic

Right here. 

There has never been an anti-racist majority in American history; there may be one today in the racially and socioeconomically diverse coalition of voters radicalized by the abrupt transition from the hope of the Obama era to the cruelty of the Trump age. All political coalitions are eventually torn apart by their contradictions, but America has never seen a coalition quite like this.

This is the most hopeful thing I've read by Serwer -- which is to say, it's hopeful but very cautious about what is possible -- and it is frankly a relief to read somebody aiming for what's possible instead of what is coming undone. Even better, Serwer roots that hope (and the caution) in a deep reading of history. I do a lot of lamenting. And not without reason. But maybe we can make things better for people who need it to be better?

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