Thursday, September 3, 2020

What we're talking about when we talk about Trump

He's a liar. He lies to get his way. He lies to get stuff. He lies to make himself look good. He lies for the sheer hell of it.

Which makes a story like this about how Trump "sows distrust" while saying things "with no evidence" a bit aggravating. It's circling the thing without saying the thing. And I'm tired of White House quotes like this.

“The American people know they never have to wonder what the president is thinking or how he feels about a particular topic, which is one of the many reasons why they chose to elect him over the same old recycled politicians who just use the poll-tested talking points,’’ Mr. Deere said.

Which is, of course, bullshit. The question isn't whether we know how Donald Trump feels. He won't ever let us get away with not knowing. The question is whether there is truth to what he says. And there isn't.

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