Gene Marks is apparently not a poor black child in West Philadelphia
PhillyGrrl and Dan Denvir have already hopped on Gene Marks for his " if I were a poor black child " piece for Forbes, but it really is breathtaking in its awfulness. Marks writes about what he would do, as a poor black child in West Philadelphia, to stop being so poor. Shorter Marks: "If I were a poor black kid, I'd use all the advantages I have from not being a poor black kid." Sound too harsh? Check out these two, entirely representative paragraphs: If I was a poor black kid I’d use the free technology available to help me study. I’d become expert at Google Scholar . I’d visit study sites like SparkNotes and CliffsNotes to help me understand books. I’d watch relevant teachings on Academic Earth , TED and the Khan Academy . (I say relevant because some of these lectures may not be related to my work or too advanced for my age. But there are plenty of videos on these sites that are suitable to my studies and would help me stand out.) I would als