Thursday, July 30, 2020

About the filibuster

President Obama today called the filibuster a "Jim Crow relic" at John Lewis' funeral, and I am fine with getting rid of it. The legislative branch already has enough veto points, thanks to being divided in two. The filibuster just makes it that much harder for the government to do the things it should do.


Democrats should remember that when the filibuster goes away, it's gone. They might control the Senate after this fall's elections. They might not. But if they do -- and they get rid of the filibuster -- there will come a time when they won't, when their ability to stop hated legislation by Senate Republicans will be all but eliminated. 

I am ... kind of fine with that. Democracy has consequences. Right now, Democrats can mainly see how getting rid of the filibuster will aid their agenda. Someday, it'll be used against them. That's the price. I am willing to pay it. I suspect a lot of people will change their minds.

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