You know what? I hope that Sarah Palin runs for president. And loses. Badly.

I'm so tired of Sarah Palin's sense of grievance. But I know it's not going to go away -- it defines her. It is the reason, at this point, for her political existence. Don't believe me? Here's a Palin post offering President Obama advice on how to handle the BP oil spill.
My experience (though, granted, I got the message loud and clear during the campaign that my executive experience managing the fastest growing community in the state, and then running the largest state in the union, was nothing compared to the experiences of a community organizer) showed me how government officials and oil execs could scratch each others’ backs to the detriment of the public, and it made me ill.
You'd think Barack Obama had never, ever been a senator -- one elected to federal office two years before Sarah Palin became a governor. But you know what? I'm not going to replay the resume pissing match that indeed was resolved by voters two years ago.*

*OK, one item: A big chunk of Sarah Palin's gubernatorial experience with oil companies was using their money to send checks to Alaskans instead of taxing them. That looks nothing at all like the world non-Alaskans  live in.

But, lordy, a little class wouldn't hurt the woman would it? Showing respect for the president's actual accomplishments would be a good place to start -- unless Palin wants us to refer to her primarily as a onetime local sports anchor as the prime way we refer to her pre-2008 experience. It's true, of course, but it's not accurate. And showing a little respect for the voters -- instead of sneering at their judgment as she does here -- wouldn't be a bad second step.


namefromthepast said…
I'm not a Palin fan at all but someone point out to me what Barack's "actual accomplishments" are besides being upwardly mobile polically.

Seriously, the guy has never managed anything but himself and his image.

I agree to no "pissing match" I think Palin's time has come and gone politically but she has managed to do what exactly what Obama has done. They both used what little talent they have to get in the spotlight, completely alienate people from the opposite end of the polical spectrum then write books to capitalize financially.

Incidentally both Palin and Obama are "sneering at the voters" Obama and his party have pushed through a LOT of legislation that does not have the backing of the majority.

I find them quite similar if dissimilar politically.
Joel said…
Name: Let me clarify the comment somewhat. By "accomplishments" I meant actual, verifiable, indisputable resume lines. As in: Obama was a state senator, then a U.S. senator, then president. We can agree on those facts, can't we?

Palin, by pushing the "community organizers" meme over and over, basically ignores the middle 20 years of Obama's adult life ... to insinuate he never did anything but hang around the soup kitchen. That's false. You don't have to like him, you don't have to think he's got a good agenda or done much good with his time in politics, but can we agree he's at least been in the arena?
KhabaLox said…

Didn't Obama go to (and graduate from!) law school? Wasn't he Editor of the Harvard Law Review? There are a lot of things a candidate can do that look good on the resume. A law degree is one of them. Sports anchor is not.
namefromthepast said…
You are right Joel he has been elected to office repeatedly. As a conservative I find that makes him less qualified.

But I think you have stumbled on a better topic.

Where are the good candidates? I know what basic principles I'd like he or she to follow and you do too even if they aren't the same ones.

Is it too much to ask for somebody to have been successful at something other than politics? Show some class? Are these candidates really a reflection of ourselves? Obama, Palin, McCain, Biden, Pelosi, this really the best there is to offer?

Are real leaders too savvy to enter this ratrace?

Is lack of inspiration why the general population has so much apathy towards the debates?

I get disgusted with the whole spectrum, maybe that's why I think limiting the govt as much as possible is a good thing.

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